If you, for some reason, need to troubleshoot your connector, this is the right place to start.
All connectors installed by Easit come with logging enabled. To find where the logs are located you can run the command below.
| PS C:\Users\administrator> Set-Location -Path 'Path\To\Connector'
PS D:\Easit\Connector> Get-ChildItem -Path '.\*' -Recurse -Include 'logs' -Directory
Directory: D:\Easit\Connector\tomcat
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 2023-09-19 07:48 logs
And you can always check if the connector Windows service is running by running the command below.
| PS C:\Users\administrator> Get-Service -DisplayName *tomcat*
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running EasitGO Apache Tomcat 9.0 EasitGO
Running EPR-dev Apache Tomcat 9.0 EPR-dev
Running JiraConnector Apache Tomcat 9.0 JiraConnector
Diagnose the issue
Narrow down the issue to more than "something is wrong". This could be that the connector receives the request but does not do anything more, or we get empty requests from the connector.
Finding the problem
As long as you know that the connector receives the request you can look in the logs for the connector. If the connector does NOT receive the request, please troubleshoot network connectivity and / or firewall problems.
First place to look
A good place to start looking when troubleshooting is in the ConnectorName.log. This is an abstraction log to which the application writes its messages and some various Tomcat standard output streams ends up.
The layout of the file is this: DATE - TIME - Message Level - Message - thread - class
Open the file and look for any row with a message level of WARN or ERROR. The message is not always written as "Cannot do xxxx" and Easit personal can always help you interpret the message for you. You can find some examples for how errors can show up in the log below, and we will try to guide you to interpret them.
Example 1
In this example (from our connector for PowerShell) we have a long-running script that exceeds the timeout set for the PowerShell process. Either the script is doing something wrong or the timeout need to be increased.
| YYYY-MM-DD - HH:MM:SS.sss - ERROR - Error occurred during camel integration routing.
Exception caught: IntegrationException
Message: Exit value was not 0 (exit value=1).
Error: The process timed out. Check the script or increase the 'powershell.runtimeout' property in properties file
Failing exchange body was: {"importHandlerIdentifier":"testService.ps1","itemToImport":null}
Failing camel endpoint was: direct://startscript
Properties: identifier: testService.ps1
inExceptionHandling: true
scriptError: The process timed out. Check the script or increase the 'powershell.runtimeout' property in properties file
exitCode: 1
http-nio-8089-exec-8 - com.easit.integration.processor.CreateErrorMessage
Example 2
This is an example, also from our connector for PowerShell, of a truncated error message from a connector. To find what the actual error message is we need to find the line starting with Caused by and read it.
17 | YYYY-MM-DD - HH:MM:SS.sss - ERROR - Application run failed - main - org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException: Failed to invoke event listener method<br>
HandlerMethod details:
Bean [com.easit.integration.configuration.IntegrationConfiguration\$\$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB\$\$146f7b28]
Method [public void com.easit.integration.configuration.IntegrationConfiguration.startUpCheck() throws com.easit.integration.exception.IntegrationException]
Resolved arguments:
at org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter.doInvoke(
at org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter.processEvent(
at org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter.onApplicationEvent(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener(
Caused by: com.easit.integration.exception.IntegrationException: Service is running as user WIN-8TPRHD4QLPS$. This is not allowed in or the property is missing
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationListenerMethodAdapter.doInvoke(
... 58 common frames omitted
When we read the line starting with Caused by we can see that we are trying to run EPR with a user account the is not allowed according to our configuration.
Second place to look
If you are having an issue with a connector, but its log does not show anything, start by looking in or for any errors there that might tell you what the problem is.
If you have any issue with any of our connectors, please include logs and a detailed description of your issue when contacting Easit support.