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This file holds all settings for how the connector should handle the communication between Easit GO and Azure DevOps.

Global settings

Property Description
camel.tfs.wsname Address to answer Azure DevOps requests from.
camel.bps Address to answer Easit GO requests from.

Settings for Azure DevOps

Property Description
tfs.url URL to use when creating and updating issues in Azure DevOps.
tfs.searchUrl URL to use when searching for issues in Azure DevOps.
tfs.username Azure DevOps username. Used when authenticating to Azure DevOps.
tfs.password Azure DevOps password. Used when authenticating to Azure DevOps.

Project and Task type

Property Description Property name in the exported item that holds the project value
tfs.default.project Default project to use if no project is exported or if it is empty Property name in the exported item that holds the work item type value
tfs.default.workitemtype Default task type to use if no work item type is exported or if it is empty
tfs.attachmentUploadUrl Address to upload file attachments to DevOps

Azure DevOps search settings

The Easit GO connector for Azure DevOps provides the capability to search / filter for resources in Azure DevOps that use the generic response format with a count attribute and a value attribute which is an array of values. To add an Azure DevOps resource to search, provide a property key with the prefix 'tfs.searchUrl.' followed by the itemViewIdentifier the search will use.


Note! Remember to add a mapping configuration in bps.json for each of the identifiers, to configure how the result should be mapped and displayed inside of GO.

Property Description Specifies the property that the connector should use as value for the search. In our example above we will post a property called searchPhrase from Easit GO, what ever the value is for that property, it will be used when searching Azure DevOps.
tfs.searchFilter.field Specifies the property / field in Azure DevOps that we want to apply search filter to. In our example we want to apply a filter to, or search within, the field name. A full example would be this if we post searchPhrase=MyProject from Easit GO.
tfs.searchUrl.params This property key can be used if you need to update the searchUrl dynamically. More details below.


This property key can be used if you need to update the searchUrl dynamically. Let's say we have a URL like this,, but we would like to change the value MyProject dynamically as we do not only have one project.

By specifying a default value, the connector will check if the post from Easit GO have a property with same name and use that, if the property is omitted the default value will be used.

  • If the post from Easit GO DO NOT include a property called Project, MyProject will be used.
  • If the post from Easit GO include a property called Project, the value of that property will be used.

Settings for Easit GO

Property Description
bps.url URL to connect to Easit GO Webservice interface
bps.user API key in Easit GO

Import handlers in Easit GO

Property Description
tfs.create.workitem.identifiers Used when Azure DevOps issue is created from Easit GO issue
tfs.updated.workitem.identifiers Used when Azure DevOps issue is updated and Easit GO should be updated
tfs.update.tfsworkitem.bpsid.identifiers Used when Azure DevOps issue is modified on Easit GO issue and Azure DevOps issue should update its Easit GO ID.
tfs.updated.issue.tfs_key_identifier Identifier for Azure DevOps issue, used when creating URL for update requests.

Webservice views in Easit GO

Property Description
getItemsView.identifier Search view to get items in Easit GO that is connected to Azure DevOps issues.
getItemsView.key Name of object id mapping between Easit GO and Azure DevOps (defined in bps.json)

Mapping files

Property Description
mapping.configuration.filename.other File to define mapping from Easit GO to Azure DevOps
mapping.configuration.filename.bps File to define mapping from Azure DevOps to Easit GO.