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This file holds all settings for how the connector should handle the communication between Easit GO and Jira.

Global settings

Property Description
camel.jira.wsname Address to answer Jira requests from.
camel.bps Address to answer Easit GO requests from.

Settings for Jira

Property Description
jira.url URL to use when creating and updating issues in Jira.
jira.searchUrl URL to use when searching for issues in Jira.
jira.username JIRA username. Used when authenticating to Jira.
jira.password JIRA password. Used when authenticating to Jira.

Settings for Easit GO

Property Description
bps.url URL to connect to Easit GO WebService interface.
bps.user API key in Easit GO. Used when authenticating to Easit GO.

Import handlers in Easit GO

Property Description
jira.create.issue.identifiers Used when a Jira issue is created from a Easit GO request.
jira.updated.issue.identifiers Used when a Jira issue is updated and Easit GO request(s) should be updated.
jira.error.issue.identifier Import handler used to handle error information.


Property Description
jira.update.jiraissue.bpsid.identifiers Used when a Jira issue is modified on a Easit GO request and the Jira issue should update its Easit GO ID.
jira.updated.issue.jira_key_identifier Identifier for Jira issue, used when creating URL for update requests.

Search views

Property Description
bps.getItemsView.identifier Search view to get items from in Easit GO that is connected to Jira issues.
bps.getItemsView.key Name of object id mapping between Easit GO and Jira (defined in bps.json).
bps.getItemsView.key.fieldName Name of field in Easit GO.

Mapping files

Property Description
mapping.configuration.filename.jira File to define mapping from Easit GO to Jira.
mapping.configuration.filename.bps File to define mapping from Jira to Easit GO.

External search service

Property Description Search for JIRA-key. Search for free text.