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ImportClient is a standalone application written in Java. It usually runs as a scheduled task or job in the OS using Windows Task Scheduler or cron. It is used to import data (e.g. Contacts and Assets) from a variety of sources such as Active Directory, SCCM or a CSV-file to Easit GO.

ImportClient consists of or needs the following components:

ImportClient is free to use for any Easit GO customer and the latest version can be downloaded at

It is recommended to use the same patch version client as you have patch version of Easit GO. If you have Easit GO 2022.11.6 you should use import-client-2022.11.6.jar.


The ImportClient client (import-client-xxxx.x.x.jar) uses a configuration file that holds the settings for what configuration in Easit GO to use.


An ImportClient configuration consists of 3 parts:

  • A text file (optional, used for scheduling).
  • A importclient in Easit GO.
  • A importhandler in Easit GO.

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Java runtime

Java runtime, or JRE, in which the ImportClient client runs. More information about how Java is used can be found under Running ImportClient.


ImportClient uses Log4j for its logging and logs are by default written to a folder named 'logs' in the same folder as import-client-xxxx.x.x.jar are located.

More on logging

Supported sources

ImportClient have native support for the following sources (or types of sources).

  • LDAP
  • XML
  • CSV / TXT files defined by RFC 4180.
  • MariaDB
  • MySQL
  • PostGreSQL

All source, except LDAP and XML, uses 3rd party java classes (drivers) to retrieve data from the source. Here you can see what class is used for each source.

As you can see the same java class (driver) is used for connecting to MySQL as for MariaDB.

Custom source

If you would like to import data from an unsupported source to Easit GO, you can do so in 2 different ways:

  1. WebAPI
  2. Java classes / Drivers

As Easit offers a PowerShell module for sending data to Easit GO, you are free to use it within your existing and new PowerShell scripts. Let's say you have a script that connects to a source, retrieve the data you want and outputs it to a CSV-file. Well, then you can simply replace the "output to CSV" command with "Import-GOCustomItem" command from the PowerShell module Easit.GO.Webservice.

There is a HOW-TO for connecting to Azure AD and sending contacts to Easit GO here.

If you wish to use a custom class / driver or another 3rd party java class you can do so by specifying the class patch in the Driver class name field in the Import Client configuration GUI in Easit GO. You can find more information in the HowTo Configure ImportClient with a custom driver.

Next: Running ImportClient