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Input types


Input object with fields to create a new file entry

Input field Description Data type
description The description of the file entry String
fileContentToken The token that points to the content of the file. The binary content of the file must be uploaded with an HTTP POST to /fileapi/ before creating the file entry. That endpoint returns a token to assign here." String
item The item to attach this file entry to Int
name The name of the file entry String
tags The tags to tag the file entry with unknown


Input object with fields to create a new item

Input field Description Data type
collections JSON object with collection elements to set on the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to set for that collection. JSONObject
externalId An external id to assign to the item String
fields JSON object with field values to set on the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the system. JSONObject
itemType The id of the item type to assign to the new item Int
module The id of the module to create the item in Int
parentItem The id of an item to assign as the parent to the new item Int
tags The tags to tag the item with unknown


Input object with fields to create a new message

Input field Description Data type
attachments The attachments for the message unknown
bcc The bcc recipients of the message unknown
bodyHtml The html body of the message String
bodyPlain The plain body of the message String
cc The cc recipients of the message unknown
from The sender of the message EMailAddress
item The id of the item to assign as the owner of the message Int
state The state of the message MessageState
subject The subject line of the message String
tags The tags to tag the message with unknown
to The recipients of the message unknown


Input object with fields to create a new transaction item

Input field Description Data type
entryDate The entry date of the transaction DateTime
fields JSON object with field values to set on the transaction. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the time and expenses module in the system. JSONObject
inPrice The in price of the transaction BigDecimal
inQuantity The in quantity of the transaction BigDecimal
invoice Whether the transaction is invoiced Boolean
itemId Id of the item to attach the new transaction to Int
itemType Id of the item type to assign to the new transaction Int
outPrice The out price of the transaction BigDecimal
outQuantity The out quantity of the transaction BigDecimal
owner Id of a user to assign as the owner of the transaction Int
preliminary Whether the transaction is preliminary Boolean
reportDate The report date of the transaction DateTime


Input object with fields to create a new user

Input field Description Data type
collections JSON object with collection elements to set on the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the user module in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to set for that collection. JSONObject
email The email address of the user EMailAddress
externalId An external id to assign to the user String
fields JSON object with field values to set on the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the user module in the system. JSONObject
firstName The first name of the user String
floating True for floating user, false (default) for fixed Boolean
groups Add the user as a member of the groups with the specified ids unknown
lastName The last name of the user String
loginName The login name of the user String
loginType The login type for the user LoginType
mobileLicense True if the user should be assigned mobile access Boolean
operations Assign the operations with the specified ids to the user unknown
password The password for the user. Must be provided if not using 'LoginType.SSO_ALLOWED'. The user will be prompted to select a new password on first login. String
regionalSettings The regional settings for the user. Where not specified, global settings will apply. RegionalSettingsInput
roles Assign the roles with the specified ids to the user unknown


Input object with fields to create a new message attachment

Input field Description Data type
contentId The content id of the message attachment String
description The description of the message attachment String
fileContentToken The token that points to the content of the attachment. The binary content of the file must be uploaded at /fileapi/ before creating the attachment. That endpoint returns a token to assign here." String
name The name of the message attachment String
tags The tags to tag the message attachment with unknown


Input object with fields to assign regional settings for a user

Input field Description Data type
activeLanguage The active language String
dateFormat The date format String
firstDayOfWeek The first day of the week String
timeFormat The time format String
timezone The timezone String


Input object with fields to update an existing item

Input field Description Data type
addToCollections JSON object with collection elements to add to the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to add to that collection. JSONObject
collections JSON object with collection elements to set on the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to set for that collection. If the same collection is specified in both 'collections' and either one of or both of 'addToCollections' and 'removeFromCollections', the elements in 'collections' will be set, and the other elements will be ignored. JSONObject
externalId An external id to assign to the item String
fields JSON object with field values to set on the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the system. JSONObject
id The id of the item to update Int
itemType The id of an item type to assign as the new item type of the item Int
parentItem The id of an item to assign as the parent of the item Int
removeFromCollections JSON object with collection elements to remove from the item. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to remove from that collection. JSONObject
tags The tags to tag the item with unknown


Input object with fields to update an existing transaction item

Input field Description Data type
entryDate The entry date of the transaction DateTime
fields JSON object with field values to set on the transaction. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the time and expenses module in the system. JSONObject
id Id of the item to update Int
inPrice The in price of the transaction BigDecimal
inQuantity The in quantity of the transaction BigDecimal
invoice Whether the transaction is invoiced Boolean
itemId Change the item that the transaction belongs to, to the item with this id Int
outPrice The out price of the transaction BigDecimal
outQuantity The out quantity of the transaction BigDecimal
owner Id of a user to assign as the owner of the transaction Int
preliminary Whether the transaction is preliminary Boolean
reportDate The report date of the transaction DateTime


Input object with fields to update an existing user

Input field Description Data type
addGroups Assign the user as a member of the groups with the specified ids. The user will remain a member of all other groups they currently are a member of. unknown
addOperations Assign the operations with the specified ids to the user. All other operations currently assigned to the user will remain. unknown
addRoles Assign the roles with the specified ids to the user. All other roles currently assigned to the user will remain. unknown
addToCollections JSON object with collection elements to add to the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the user module in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to add to that collection. JSONObject
collections JSON object with collection elements to set on the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the user module in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to set for that collection. If the same collection is specified in both 'collections' and either one of or both of 'addToCollections' and 'removeFromCollections', the elements in 'collections' will be set, and the other elements will be ignored. JSONObject
disabled Disable/enable the user Boolean
email Change the email address of the user EMailAddress
externalId An external id to assign to the user String
fields JSON object with field values to set on the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a field in the user module in the system. JSONObject
firstName Change the first name of the user String
floating True for floating user, false for fixed Boolean
groups Assign the user as a member of the groups with the specified ids. The user will be removed from all other groups they currently are a member of. unknown
id The id of the user to update Int
lastName Change the last name of the user String
loginName Change the login name of the user String
loginType The login type for the user LoginType
mobileLicense True if the user should be assigned mobile access Boolean
operations Assign the operations with the specified ids to the user. All other operations currently assigned to the user will be removed. unknown
regionalSettings Modify the regional settings for the user. If a particular setting is not specified, the current setting will remain unchanged. RegionalSettingsInput
removeFromCollections JSON object with collection elements to remove from the user. The key must be either the system name or the id of a collection field in the user module in the system, and the value must be a list of elements to remove from that collection. JSONObject
removeGroups Remove the user as a member of the groups with the specified ids. The user will remain a member of all other groups they currently are a member of. unknown
removeOperations Remove the operations with the specified ids from the user. All other operations currently assigned to the user will remain. unknown
removeRoles Remove the roles with the specified ids from the user. All other roles currently assigned to the user will remain. unknown
roles Assign the roles with the specified ids to the user. All other roles currently assigned to the user will be removed. unknown