In Easit GO, as an example, we have an item view with a large number of items, all kind of requests, and we have configured the item view in such a way that id, status and created is available for the view (itemViewIdentifier). Lets say we would like to get all items from page 4 of that view, the GET requests body would looks like this.
Columns -> Column: List with specification for each column (field in EasitGO) present in the view.
items -> item: List of all items returned by the view.
requestedPage: The page specified in the request.
page: Received page from view.
pageSize: How many items for each page.
totalNumberOfPages: How many pages the view contains.
totalNumberOfItems: How many items the view contains.
Request - columnFilter
Lets say we would like to get a subset of those items, perhaps all ongoing request. Then we can use something called column filters and the GET requests body would looks like this. Note that the column that you would like to filter on need to be in the item view. Also note that columnFilter is an array or list and can hold as many filters as you need. Read more about comparators here.
- itemToImport: List of objects representing items to send to EasitGO.
- property: For each object in itemToImport. List of objects representing the items properties and its values we would like to send to EasitGO.
- ItemToImport: One or more occurrence each with a unique id and UID. Each occurrence represents an item.
- Property: The items property or properties.
In the example below we are sending two items with the properties 'property1' and 'property2'. Since we are sending multiple items we need to add 'uid' and 'id'. These are used for troubleshooting and could be found in the logs for Easit GO.
The default response will have a property named 'result' with OK if no error occurred during the process.
It is possible to configure a importhandler to return values. A response from a importhandler with return values looks like this.