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Backup & Recovery

About Easit GO

Easit GO is an Enterprise Service Management platform which gives you access to easily handle all types of service management tasks. At the back end, there is a powerful process engine to automate and process all types of services tasks supported by a no-code process builder. At the front end, user interfaces tailored to your needs. Use best practice templates or create completely new flows/applications. Our Design Studio let you modify and create all aspects of the applications, using a WYSIWYG editor and other no-code tools.


Standard Database for Easit GO is SQL Server. Follow guidelines for creating backup and restoring database in Microsoft documentation SQL Server. If you have need for another database, please contact Easit.

Application Server

To be able to fully recreate an Easit GO installation, you will need to back up files on the application server in addition to the database. Two main options are covered.

Option 1

With a complete snapshot of the entire server a restore is as simple as restoring the snapshot.

Option 2

By performing a selective backup of required files, a smaller backup can be created. There can also be other reasons for a more detailed backup and recovery routine. The Easit GO product has a main installation folder, that you need to back up. That’s it. In a standard windows installation, that folder is a top folder named: Easit. If you have a non-standard installation, you will have to make sure that you include the Easit GO “Files” directory in your backup. Locate the installation folder and open the properties.xml file in config folder.

If the “files” location has been altered from its standard place you also need to back up the new “files” location.


One or more site(s) and application pool(s) is usually configured when Easit GO is installed, these can be backed up with appcmd.exe provided by Microsoft.

To recover the application server, you will need to:

  1. If IIS is broken or not available, reinstall IIS.
  2. Recover the backup files to the same place as before.
  3. Reinstall the Windows service for tomcat.
  4. Start the system
  5. If the database and application server backup was not synchronized, you will also have to re-index the system for the search service to work properly.

Contact Easit if you need any assistance.


Email2GO is our tool for email integration. All configuration of the email interactions is in the “emailConfig.json” file, see email2GO installation. To recover, reinstall email2GO and drop the “emailConfig.json” file at the correct place. Done.

Other integration

Standard integrations from Easit consists of files and a Windows service. The files are kept together with a single top folder. The backup procedure is a simple as performing a backup of the top folder and anything beneath it. The recover procedure is almost as simple, just restore the folder and reinstall the Windows service.


If you are forced to recover the database on another machine than the original, using another host name & IP address, you will need to change the access parameters to the database from the application server side. The database connection information is in the file properties.xml of the config folder.
